Foundations for success: CQ-H2 Project’s geotechnical investigations underway

17 October 2023

Stanwell is working with partners from across the hydrogen supply chain to develop the Central Queensland Hydrogen (CQ-H2) Project.

The CQ-H2 Project is Queensland’s largest renewable hydrogen project and is planning to export renewable hydrogen via its different carriers to Japan and Singapore, as well as supplying large industrial customers in Central Queensland.

As part of the project’s Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Study, a team of geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists is completing geotechnical investigations at the proposed Hydrogen Production Facility (HPF) site at Aldoga near Gladstone.

The 236-hectare Aldoga site has been secured by Stanwell through an option to purchase with Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). The site is strategically located in the Gladstone State Development Area, and is zoned for heavy industry development.

As part of our commitment to local content, Stanwell has engaged Construction Sciences, with operations in Gladstone and Rockhampton, to conduct the geotechnical investigation.

Geotechnical investigations are an important part of designing and constructing structures and earthworks. These investigations provide valuable information about the physical properties of the soil around a site. This knowledge helps engineers make informed decisions about the design and suitability of foundations, earthworks, and other infrastructure.

The geotechnical investigations have included completing test pits and collecting samples of soil for laboratory testing. Boreholes have also been drilled to capture core samples for further analysis.

The soil types identified through the investigations will be used to assess the suitability of materials for different applications, such as earthworks, trenching backfills, and road pavements. This data will ensure that the HPF is constructed on a stable foundation, both in a literal and figurative sense.

Geotechnical investigations also play an important role in the CQ-H2 Project’s commitment to responsible and sustainable development. By collecting data on the physical properties of the site, the project team can make informed decisions regarding environmentally friendly construction practices.

We look forward to sharing more updates on our progress and commitment to responsible development as the FEED study progresses.