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Stanwell strengthens South Burnett communities with funding for pivotal projects
South Burnett Community investments 2023
10 July 2024
At Stanwell, we deeply value the support of the communities we operate in and understand that our ability to operate relies on the support of the people who live near our energy assets. We're not just here to generate energy — we're committed to enhancing the social, economic, and environmental outcomes in the areas in which we operate.
Stanwell has set up grants for regional communities to invest in the people and projects that shape our communities. From supporting local schools and non-profits to funding innovative sustainability initiatives, we're committed to positively impacting the lives of those around us.
We work closely with community leaders to understand the needs of our host communities and provide funding for the things that are most important to them and prioritise projects that make a genuine quality of life contribution to our communities in the Southern and Central Queensland.
In the last financial year (2023-4) we invested $601,000 in 103 community based projects.
Read more about how to apply for our grants below.
Stanwell’s welcomes grant applications that align with the following focus areas.
Sustainable communities (initiatives that improve environmental outcomes)
Connected communities (initiatives that focus on social connectivity)
Healthy communities (initiatives that enhance the well-being of community members)
Resilient communities (initiatives that drive long-term economic and social benefits)
Stanwell’s community grant programs are available for not-for-profit groups operating in communities who host or have a connection to Stanwell assets.
Broadly, there are three types of community benefit funding available:
Sponsorship programs (grants between $500 and $5,000): Open to communities closest to our assets, the Community Sponsorship Program provides support for events, activities and/or programs that make a genuine ‘quality of life’ contribution to the community.
Partnership funds: The Partnership Funds (Tarong and Stanwell) provide dedicated financial support to projects that are long-term, have a broad scope, and involve multiple parties or service multiple community needs. The funds focus on building community economic capacity, preparedness and resilience in these communities.
South Burnett Resilience Fund: The South Burnett Resilience Fund focuses on helping South Burnett community leaders to put long-term post-coal economic plans in place. Access to this fund is not currently available outside of the South Burnett region. Funding is the outcome of consultation with a cross section of identified local opinion leaders and aims to support projects that deliver long-term resilience and identified community needs.
Stanwell Power Station Community Partnership Fund - Open September 2024 Community Sponsorship Program – Central Qld - Open year round Tarong Community Partnership Fund - Open September 2024 Community Sponsorship Program – Southern Qld - Open year round South Burnett Community Resilience Fund - Open year round Wambo Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund - TBC
Over the coming weeks Stanwell will be launching into a new online platform called Smarty Grants. Once the program is live, you’ll find registration links available here. In the meantime, if you would like to apply for one of Stanwell’s Community Sponsorship Programs or Partnership Funds please reach out to the Stakeholder Engagement team at sponsorship@stanwell.com or call: Karen Wall – Southern Region: (07) 4160 9251 Amanda Lingard – Central Queensland: (07) 4930 3569
Stanwell’s community sponsorship programs are evaluated against criteria that consider the feasibility and sustainability of the project or initiative, the project’s impact, and the organisation's capacity to carry out the project successfully. Stanwell’s community partnership funds are evaluated by a community fund panel, comprised of four community representatives and a Stanwell leader.
Allow 4 weeks for your application to be evaluated.
Around each of our projects and sites, we set up different ways to engage and get involved:
We identify and engage with impacted stakeholders in the planning stages of a project. The timing and method of the engagement is dependent on the type and scale of the project.
Stanwell’s Stakeholder Engagement team is responsible for understanding stakeholder concerns and expectations and exploring opportunities to deliver benefits to the community. This understanding is built using various engagement methods, including face-to-face meetings, stakeholder surveys, drop-in sessions, and community forums.
Often, Stanwell will become involved in a project that is in the late phase of development or even construction. In these instances, where community consultation has already been completed, it is important for Stanwell to undertake our own community analysis. This may involve conversations with key community stakeholders, such as Traditional Custodians, landholders and the local council, and business and industry groups.
Our energy projects often impact neighboring landholders. By focusing on minimising impacts and fostering long-term and positive relationships, we aim to ensure that our projects are mutually beneficial and supportive of landholders' interests.
Our approach to First Nations engagement is grounded in the belief that meaningful, long-term partnerships are the foundation for cultural understanding and mutual benefit. We recognise that building genuine, respectful, and long-term relationships with Traditional Custodians and First Nations people is unique in each community.
First Nations Engagement Advisors are embedded in our Stakeholder Engagement teams and provide specialised support and advice to our business to ensure that we consider the unique perspectives of First Nations communities in our work.
We are focussed on maturing our approach to First Nations engagement to ensure the energy transition delivers meaningful outcomes for First Nations people and communities. Our teams are guided by the Leading Practice Principles First Nations and Renewable Energy Projects from the Clean Energy Council.
Once an asset is in construction or operational, our engagement becomes a lot more regular. We are here to provide updates, listen to concerns, and provide regular feedback to the development and operational teams from the community.
Our engagement includes face-to-face meetings and hosting community forums.
Providing local businesses with opportunities is an ongoing activity. We engage with local chambers of commerce, business associations and industry bodies to share opportunities and connect them with Stanwell’s supplier network. Click here to register as a local service provider.
As a Government Owned Corporation, we have regular engagements with our shareholders at State level as well as with the key councillors and departments at local and district level, providing feedback on community sentiment, issues and proposals.
Visit our "Doing Business with us" page and register your local business with us. We are here to help and support local businesses to share in the benefits of the energy transformation.
In 2023-4 $96 million was spent with local businesses in our host communities.
Doing business with usWhen working with our communities we apply our values: We Care. We Adapt. We Deliver.
We also draw on the regional energy transformation principles established by the Queensland Government under the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. You can see these principles reflected in Stanwell’s sustainability commitments.
To drive genuine and ongoing engagement with our communities. We demonstrate an inclusive, collaborative approach to supporting communities through the energy transformation.
To engage, value and involve First Nations Peoples - recognising their unique connection to Country and the opportunity for active participation and economic benefit from the energy transformation.
To support communities to build local capacity to positively manage change and unlock the benefits associated with the energy transformation.
To promote diverse economies, enabling diverse land uses, and coexistence between industries where possible, to maintain and strengthen local economies.
To foster environmental resilience and deliver better biodiversity outcomes and contribute towards meeting climate targets.
To share lasting benefits with communities - creating opportunities to share the economic, social and environmental benefits of energy transformation.
To expand workforce opportunities and secure livelihoods - fostering opportunities through training, promoting workforce diversity and embedding secure work.
To build local and buy local by expanding local procurement, manufacturing and supply chain opportunities, working with local businesses to enable greater participation.
South Burnett Community investments 2023
10 July 2024
Southern Queensland Community Investments 2023
10 July 2024
Community News South
10 July 2024