Supercharging our most important asset: investing in our people, like Abdullah Faraque

30 September 2021

Every year, we invest in our assets to ensure they can continue to operate to the best of their ability, and the same goes for our people. Considered our most valued asset, we take pride investing in our people’s growth, and fostering their development so they can fulfill their potential and help us reach our business goals.

Stanwell recently sponsored Senior Electrical Engineer, Abdullah Faraque, to undertake a Master of Professional Engineering Leadership at Griffith University. We caught up with him to learn more about what drove him to complete his higher education studies, and how his new learnings will build on his current role at our Stanwell Power Station for the better.

For Abdullah, the decision to complete further studies in engineering leadership came from the realisation that excellent technical knowledge is not necessarily the formula for effective leadership.

“As an engineer, working with different organisations at varying stages of my career, I have realised that good leadership is an essential part of delivering a business’ strategy,” he said.

“During my 19-year career, I’ve experienced times where engineers have progressed to management and despite their excellent technical knowledge, the transition to management has appeared challenging for them.

“This observation motivated me to expand my leadership capabilities to better support Stanwell’s strategy into the future.”  

A primary aspect of Abdullah’s position is developing and leading sustainable approaches to asset management and capital projects. He supports the day-to-day operations and maintenance of Stanwell’s power stations, focussing on supporting other leaders to implement changes that align with our approach to sustainability.

So, how will the learning he has gained, expand, and build on his role?

“Due to the significant development in renewable energy technology, traditional generators are facing substantial challenges,” he said.

“The past 18 months have presented challenges to our workforce, customers, communities, and the economy, due to bushfires, drought, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To respond to these challenges, being a successful leader now requires more than just ‘managing’ people and projects – I have learnt it requires a lot of empathy.”

Since completing the course, Abdullah has set out a plan to apply his learnings. The plan includes a focus on mentoring our people, encouraging innovation by supporting them to explore new ideas, communicating early and clearly, and fostering collaboration.

“I have also made a personal commitment to make sure that the people I work with feel appreciated and respected on a personal level, and in the work that they do,” Abdullah said.

Abdullah is keen to continue applying his learnings and being a part of Stanwell long into the future.

Congratulations Abdullah on this incredible achievement and thank you to our supervisors and leadership team who support the development of their teams across our sites.